If your baby is prone to nappy rash then it can be a difficult problem to solve. In this guide we offer some natural ways to help prevent the conditions that can lead to nappy rash.
Our Organic Babies range has a beautifully natural nappy cream specifically designed to nurture your baby’s skin barrier and help protect against dampness.
What is nappy rash?
Nappy rash is when your baby’s bottom becomes inflamed, red, chapped and sore. Understandably your baby may become uncomfortable, irritable and very unhappy.
Causes of nappy rash
It is very rare that a baby can go for 2-3 years wearing nappies and not get nappy rash, but some babies are more prone than others. If your baby has dry skin then their skin’s barrier properties will be impaired, making them more vulnerable to nappy rash.
No matter how often you change your baby's nappy, even super absorbent nappies still hold some moisture next to your baby’s skin. This becomes warm and moist and means your baby's bottom is susceptible to nappy rash.
Teething is also a common time for nappy rash. Babies often dribble a lot when teething but will also be swallowing a lot of saliva, which can lead to a sore bottom.
Your baby's nappy can also rub around their bottom and cause chafing and soreness.
Some ingredients found in skin care, such as soap, SLS and skin-drying alcohols, may also strip your baby’s skin of its natural protection and leave them more vulnerable to nappy rash.
All our Organic Babies skin care products are free from skin drying alcohols and, instead of using soap or SLS, we make our infant bath care products foam using Yucca and SCS, a gentle surfactant derived from Coconut.
6 natural ways to prevent nappy rash
- Change your baby’s nappy as soon as possible once wet
- Clean your baby's bottom thoroughly with cotton wool and warm water each time you change them
- Dry the nappy area by gently patting the skin and try to let your baby stay out of nappies for as long as possible, so the air can fully dry your baby’s skin
- Use a gentle, effective barrier cream that is suitable for sensitive skin at every nappy change. Our Calming Nappy Cream contains soothing Calendula and Zinc Oxide, as well as vegan-friendly Berry Wax to protect against dampness that can lead to nappy rash
- Use nappies made from material that allows air to circulate and do not fasten too tightly, allowing your baby's bottom to breathe
- If you favour reusable nappies use non-biological, environmentally friendly washing powders and rinse thoroughly
What to do if nappy rash persists
If you are already following the steps above and nappy rash is still a problem, it could be triggered by other causes. Keep an eye on your baby’s general health as nappy rash can mean there is an underlying problem and make sure to see a doctor if you are concerned.
- Look for patterns; it could be triggered by certain detergents, foods that you have eaten if you are breastfeeding or foods that your baby has eaten, or even by hot weather
- Other causes can include teething, stomach upset, stress or food allergy
- To determine if it is a food allergy, only introduce one new food item at a time and wait several days until you introduce the next food type
- At home let your baby run free as much as possible and change your baby’s nappy as soon as it is wet
- Use plenty of Zinc Oxide cream in all the creases of your baby's bottom to help prevent nappy rash discomfort. Organic Babies Calming Nappy Cream not only contains the natural earth mineral Zinc Oxide, but also organic Omega-6 from Hemp, organic Chamomile and organic Calendula which are plants known to soothe, calm and restore sore skin
If the symptoms persist, consult your health visitor, nurse or doctor. You may need other treatments which specifically deal with an infection.

Discover our soothing natural nappy cream

Organic Babies Beruhigende Windelcreme 50ml
Diese bio-zertifizierte Windelcreme pflegt und schützt kleine Babypopos.
If you wish to find out more about our natural and organic nappy cream products please get in touch. We are always happy to help so please call us on 01403 740350.