Productos para el cabello sin olor
Trae un mundo de calma a tu ducha con Green PeopleEl champú y el acondicionador sin fragancias.
Productos ultra gentle, no irritantes para su cabello y cuero cabelludo.
Los pioneros de la belleza orgánica desde 1997
Trae un mundo de calma a tu ducha con Green PeopleEl champú y el acondicionador sin fragancias.
Productos ultra gentle, no irritantes para su cabello y cuero cabelludo.
Descubra un mundo de calma natural con nuestras guías de cuidado de cabello fácil de leer.
This guide looks at the symptoms of perfume allergies and why many people suffer from allergic reactions to perfumes. We also look at natural essential oils in products and how these oils can still trigger an allergic reaction in some sufferers. Discover a range of truly perfume-free products.
6 Leer minuto
Here, we discuss the benefits of avoiding harsh chemicals after chemotherapy and reveal the Green People products that can help to care for your hair and skin.
6 Leer minuto
Having a sensitive scalp could mean a number of different things; you could be prone to dandruff, itchiness, tenderness, or perhaps even psoriasis on your scalp. In this article we will be discussing some of the most common causes of scalp sensitivity, and giving you some tips to help care for your sensitive scalp.
6 Leer minuto
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